Blog Arthur Chiaravalli Blog Arthur Chiaravalli

Notch Up Your Nitpicking with Replace/With Pairs

In my nitpicking, I spent far too much time bogged down in reiterating past teaching. In my marginal notes and technology-enhanced comments, I was giving a low-quality version of the lesson I’d given weeks earlier. I needed to notch up my nitpicking.

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Blog David Frangiosa Blog David Frangiosa

Asset-based Assessment is Equitable Assessment

Although I always valued students’ improvement over time, the way I was assessing didn’t support those values. I said I valued process, but my vision was on product, which limited the opportunities for my students.

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Blog Ed Vogel and Jolene Zywica Blog Ed Vogel and Jolene Zywica

Want to Go Gradeless? Here's How We Do It

Grades are so much a part of our own learning experiences and the tools available to teachers today it might be hard to imagine your school without grades. But a it’s possible—and powerful—when you can make it happen! 

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Blog Emily Dosmar and Julia Williams Blog Emily Dosmar and Julia Williams

Decentering Authority to Communicate Learning

What happens when we decenter our authority in the classroom? How does such decentering facilitate communicating with our students about their learning? These and other questions led us to try a radical experiment. 

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Blog Lisa Wennerth Blog Lisa Wennerth

How Do I Communicate Learning?

Learning is perhaps one of the most vulnerable tasks we ask young people to engage in. Every day, we tell students to walk into our classroom, sit down, listen, engage, follow rules, take risks, and be judged by someone who may not be justly judging.

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Blog Aaron Blackwelder Blog Aaron Blackwelder

Why I Gave Up Grading

Now, in my 24th year of teaching, I am the teacher I always wanted to be. I have strong relationships, my learners are engaged in the curriculum, and I feel I am making a lasting impact on their lives.

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Interviews Arthur Chiaravalli Interviews Arthur Chiaravalli

Inclusive Assessment w/Natalie Vardabasso

Arthur Chiaravalli interviews Natalie Vardabasso, an instructional design and assessment specialist at Calgary Academy, a special education private school in Alberta, Canada. She is the host of the #EduCrush podcast and is a passionate advocate learning spaces that are inclusive of all students.

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Blog Mike McAteer Blog Mike McAteer

Measure and Manage What You Value

Everything in Mike McAteer’s class begins with the end in mind. But instead of focusing on the endpoint of a summative assessment, he asks the question: What do I want to read in my students’ reflections?

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Interviews Aaron Blackwelder Interviews Aaron Blackwelder

Respectful Assessment w/Starr Sackstein

Aaron Blackwelder interviews Starr Sackstein, author of the book Hacking Assessment: 10 Ways to Go Gradeless in a Traditional Grades School, and her latest book Assessing with Respect: Everyday Practices That Meet Students' Social and Emotional Needs.

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