Flash Feedback with Matthew Johnson

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My first five years of teaching, I was shackled to my desk most evenings and weekends with student papers. By the end of that time, I was so tired from spending all my time with these papers and not really seeing the growth I wanted.

Aaron Blackwelder hosts Matthew Johnson, the author of the book Flash Feedback. You can follow Matthew @a2matthew and on his website, matthewmjohnson.com.


Aaron Blackwelder

Aaron Blackwelder teaches high school English and coaches boys’ and girls’ golf in Southwest Washington. He is the co-founder of Teachers Going Gradeless, host of the podcast Beyond the Curriculum, and the educational contributor to Spectrum Life Magazine. Aaron is a Washington State English Teachers Fellow, was nominated for Washington State Teacher of the Year in 2019, and is a five-time golf coach of the year. Aaron is a husband and father of two boys on the autism spectrum, who inspire him to become a teacher who meets the needs of all students.


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