What is going gradeless for? What pedagogies thrive within or are supported by gradeless practices? Why did you go gradeless? Why should others go gradeless?
As we’ve seen this month, there’s often a very personal story at the heart of the decision to get away from grades. Sometimes that has been a positive reason, like seeing students flourish in less-stressed environment; other times, it has been negative, like feeling crushed under the weight of constant grading-related tasks. Usually it’s some combination of both.
This year, we are hosting Community Gatherings via Google Meet, giving us a chance to meet with one another and reflect on our successes and struggles, especially ones that relate the month’s theme: Why go gradeless? Michelle Cottrell-Williams will be hosting our gathering on Sunday, September 25 at 7pm ET, welcoming guests who have contributed to our learning this month. Please RSVP to let us know you are coming, telling us what topics are of most interest to you so we can arrange for polls, breakout rooms, and more. And help us spread the word!
Registered guests receive an email with the link before the gathering. Hope to see you there!