We gradeless teachers tend to put a high premium on reflection. We’ve likely heard the quote attributed to John Dewey: We do not learn from experience...we learn from reflecting on experience. Although that one isn’t actually found in his published works, this one is:
…learning requires an active and ongoing process of reflection, where individuals continually question, analyze, and reconstruct their understanding of the world.
Does your department, school, or district carve out time for this all-important element of the learning process? Well, we at TG2 think it’s important, especially if you’ve dipped your toe into gradeless waters this year.
This year, we have hosted Community Gatherings via Google Meet at important junctures, giving us a chance to meet with one another and reflect on our successes and struggles. This month our breakout rooms feature gradeless educators who will field questions and facilitate discussion.
Check back here for more information but in the meantime…RSVP to let us know you are coming and help us spread the word!